Comfort doesn’t always mean peace

The trap of “security”

When I hear people say they want “comfort/security”, I wonder if what they actually want is “peace/alignment”.

In context of how the word “comfort” is used, it usually has to do with external sources of security and stability...

“I want a comfortable home”

“I want a comfortable job”

“I want a comfortable routine”

(all of which can change at any given moment)

But achieving all the above provides only a temporary feeling of security….

And when those external conditions are gone, it sends us into inner chaos, anxiety, and fearfulness.

No wonder we resist change!

However….change and growth feel very different when we approach it from the perspective of alignment.

For me, building from a place of alignment creates internal stability and security.

A solid inner foundation that ultimately delivers PEACE.

A sense of peace that no external circumstance can shake because it’s an active choice rooted in:

  • Deep inner trust

  • Self-nurturing

  • Faith in my calling

But in order to build this sense of inner peace, it first begins with your commitment to it.

It’s often easier to attach our happiness and security to external forces…

Because external circumstances are easy to replace.

But choosing alignment and inner peace requires you to:

  • Consistently take inspired action

  • Trust your intuition (even if it doesn’t make “logical” sense)

  • Take a leap of faith even if it feels scary

The shocking thing is…most people already know when things are not truly aligned in their life.

You can have “security/comfort” and still feel off track and misaligned.

It may not be immediately obvious at first, but in those quiet moments, you know that your “comfortable” life is actually keeping you small.

Because you know that the true most fully-expressed version of you is much MORE EXPANSIVE than the life you’re experiencing right now.

I deeply understand.

For nearly a decade of my life, I was aware that I was living a safe, expected, and familiar path…but sensed there was more to life. But the golden handcuffs of a stable corporate job felt very comfortable.

Yet this “comfortable” life didn’t stop me from:

  • Ending up in the hospital

  • Having major burnout

  • Feeling anxious, depressed and miserable

So the question is…will you take the steps needed to get back into alignment?

I invite you to a FREE workshop happening this Sunday @ 12PM Eastern (check your local time here) by Re:Boot facilitator Dilan Yuksel who has had her own unique journey from a life of deep misalignment… a life of purpose and fulfillment.

🤔 Can't make it live?

Register anyway to receive a REPLAY video link!

Here’s to more alignment in your life!


P.S. Missed the “Practical Guide to Manifesting Your Dream”? WATCH THE REPLAY HERE



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