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- If your dream life was calling...would you answer?
If your dream life was calling...would you answer?
Surprising reasons why people let it go to voicemail
It may seem like an obvious answer….
But if you were presented with your dream life TODAY, you would 100% say “yes” without hesitation……
Not necessarily!
As someone who was once incredibly skilled at self-sabotage, I can tell you that I’ve often let my dream life go to voicemail.
It took me 3 frustrating years, unsatisfactory career pivots, half-hearted side hustles, multiple burnouts and two hospitalizations…
To finally STOP ignoring my inner guidance….
And answer the call to take aligned action toward a life that truly felt like ME!
The irony?
I knew 3 years before rock bottom that I needed to make a big change!
But I was deep in denial and thought I could just make some small adjustments to satisfy my soul-level craving for a life of true meaning and impact…
Obviously, that didn’t work!
The truth is, it takes a certain amount of awareness and self-trust to answer your higher calling without hesitation.
The me of today…trusts my intuition with a whole body “YES”
But younger me?
My younger self deeply struggled to trust my inner guidance because I had so much fear, doubt, and confusion:
FEAR - I felt so stuck because I saw so many future pathways that I was afraid I’d choose the “wrong one” and regret it. I was absolutely paralyzed by overthinking, fear of failure, and potentially having to start all over made me sick to my stomach
DOUBT - I was so disconnected from my own truth, I doubted every single thought or idea I had. I would literally gaslight myself into believing that I couldn’t trust myself to make even the most basic decision. I found myself giving my power away and thinking somebody else could just tell me the answer…
CONFUSION - With zero clarity in my mind, heart, or vision…it was truly terrifying to take any leap of faith. It was like trying to run a race completely in the dark…and for every 1 step forward, I would take 2 steps backward and felt like I was going nowhere with any amount of clarity, certainly or confidence (one of the most frustrating feelings)
Surprisingly, I am not the only one willing to let their dream life pass them by!
After guiding hundreds of clients through career transitions and life inflection points….
Almost EVERYONE could point to a specific moment in their PAST where they first got the call from their intuition.
A gut feeling, a feeling of excitement, or just a strong pull towards something else….
Yet…they ignored the call and spent several months or even years spinning in circles like I did!
I don’t want that to happen to you…
This Sunday November 5th @ 12pm Eastern, Re:Boot facilitator Dilan Yuksel will be guiding a free workshop “Map Out Your Next Life Chapter” [click to reserve your spot] where she’ll share practical ways to activate your intuition so you can fast-track your vision with more confidence.
Who is this workshop for? If you….
You have a curiosity about exploring a new life path but you’re refusing to take it seriously and convince yourself it’s “just a waste of time” (even if you deeply feel otherwise)
You have a gut feeling about something but it just doesn’t make “logical sense” so you override your own internal judgment and tell yourself you’re not sure if it’s the “right path” for you
You keep coming back to the same inspired idea, but because it’s not part of your “practical plan” and can’t see how it could possibly give you what you want, you downplay the burst of excitement and gaslight yourself into thinking it’s a “silly” dream
STOP THE SELF-DOUBT! Strengthen the connection to your inner compass and away with more awareness of your next steps and feel more hopeful and excited about the future!
Hope to see you there!