Top Temptations That Can Stop You From Achieving Your Full Potential

How the universe will test you

Have you ever noticed how the * precise * moment you commit to an aligned path, take inspired action, a big leap of faith, a movement towards your dream life…

The universe has a way of testing how much you REALLY desire and believe in your vision?

It’s like clockwork…

The moment you say to yourself, “Yes, I am choosing this path that has been calling me….a path that feels aligned…a life of freedom and purpose.”


That’s when the universe will whip up a customized test to tempt YOU off course.

But what’s wild is that it’s sooooo personal to you!


Temptation is tied to your specific FEAR

For example, if you’re…

  • Someone who fears uncertainty….you may get tempted by an opportunity you already know how to handle (but bores you to death)

  • Someone who fears scarcity….you may get tempted by a job offer that pays the bills but not at all what you said you wanted to do (and perhaps waaaay off course)

  • Someone who fears failure…you may get tempted by unnecessary certifications or degrees, or spend more time in perfectionistic research mode to keep delaying action (and not making any direct progress toward your vision)

  • Someone who fears success…you may get tempted by something fun but ultimately distracting you from your full potential (like another escapist vacation, festival, shopping, partying or other short-term fun that numbs you from your true purpose)

These are whispers of your old life.

A life that feels stagnant but “safe”.

A life that is no longer aligned but feels “comfortable”.

So why does the universe test us?

The universe delivers these temptations on our journey to make sure we really MEAN WHAT WE SAY.

Think of it this way….

When we verbalize our desires, or when we commit to a path of alignment…it’s like we’re putting in our order to the cosmic waitress, the Universe.


She is NOT going to bring your order out until she makes 100% sure it’s actually what you really want!

If you keep changing the order, getting distracted, or can’t make up our mind about what to order…


What happens when we let our temptations (aka our fears) drive us off course?

What’s really on the line here?

  • Time….we can delay our vision by years!

  • Energy….we can spin our wheels doing busy work rather than our true purpose

  • Confidence…we can lose confidence over time if we keep coming back to the same spot over and over again (and never break out of the temptation loop)

  • Money….we can waste $$$$$$ on keeping ourselves distracted, in fear, and in regret rather than investing in our vision thoughtfully and intentionally

So what can we do to achieve our full potential?

When we are tempted by the universe to go back to our old life, how do we keep steady?

How do we confidently choose our path and stay the course?

  1. Connect to your WHY. Remember why you’re choosing this path….for a deeper purpose beyond just your ego. Perhaps it’s to be of service or create a positive impact to a person, community, industry or the world…but getting clear on your north star will keep you focused on the journey (something we focus on in “Clarify Your Path”)

  2. Reflect on gains of past growth points. Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time you’re called to shift your life in a meaningful way. There was also a past moment where you had to make a hard choice and take action towards your dream life. Remember all the skills, experiences, connections and learnings you gained from staying committed to your journey. Even if it didn’t turn out the way you had hoped…I guarantee you gained something from taking that leap of faith.

  3. Find a support system. Whether it’s for accountability, connecting with like-minded souls on a similar journey, or finding encouragement from a friend or community…humans are not an island. We are social beings, interconnected along our path and we each play a key role for one another. Just as we are a mirror for others, we can more clearly see ourselves, our patterns, and our strengths through the eyes of others.

In my signature program, “Clarify Your Path”, we focus on a series of tools and frameworks (like the ones mentioned above) that help you to overcome these temptations from the Universe.

So you can clearly, confidently, and….with commitment put your desires out into the universe.

And once you’re able to signal that “YES, I am still committed to this path”…

That’s when the real magic and fun begins!

New opportunities, creative ideas, and paths to abundance will begin to reveal themselves more easily….

Because you took the time to unblock yourself and commit to the vision.

SO! Have you experienced something like this before?

A moment where you’re being tested immediately after committing to a big life change?

Perhaps this is something you’re going through RIGHT NOW?

I’d love to hear from you!

Your life pivot cheerleader and growth sherpa,



or to participate.