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- What to Do When You’re Feeling Unmotivated
What to Do When You’re Feeling Unmotivated
Even the most driven person has felt unmotivated from time to time. First of all, this is completely normal. Second of all, this is a temporary feeling. Sooner or later, you’ll feel the spark of inspiration and work will flow effortlessly. In the meantime, here are 5 tips on what you should do when you’re feeling unmotivated. Follow these steps and you’ll be back to your motivated self in no time!
1. Take a break
I know it sounds like the opposite of what you SHOULD do, but perhaps your body and subconscious mind is telling you that you need to take a break. Brute force motivation is actually a finite resource, and unless you have some solid habits in place, it’s easy to lose steam. However, sometimes even the best habits are not enough to keep the engine moving towards the destination. When you feel like your work momentum is slowing down, take a break.
In taking the time to rest, you’re storing up more energy and mental effort for when you actually feel ready. Does your work NEED to happen right this second? Can you spare a few hours or days to give your mind a break? Listen to what your gut is telling you.
2. Mix up the work you’re doing
Switch gears into something that has nothing to do with the main task at hand. Studies have shown that switching your brain over to another unrelated task works as sort of a “reset” button for your brain. If you keep working the same thoughts and neural pathways over and over again, it will start to get bored and turn off.
Mix it up, and try something fun instead. Paint, do a coloring book, journal….stimulate your brain in ways that will surprise and delight. This extra bit of novelty can spark inspiration and motivation.
3. Spend some time in nature
Time in nature can be immensely beneficial to your mental and emotional well-being. Not only does it reduce anxiety, but it helps you find perspective bigger than yourself. Perhaps you’re feeling unmotivated because you’ve been so caught up in the immediate task at hand and have lost sight of why we’re here on this earth. (Hint: It’s not to sit in front of our computers)
Go for a hike, a climb, or even a wander in the park. Take notice of the trees, the flowers, the way the air feels on your skin. Time in nature will bring you back into the present and allow your brain to deepen its focus. Breathe in the fresh air.
4. Define or remind yourself of your WHY
It’s hard to stay motivated forever if you don’t have a passion for your personal WHY. Why is this work important to you? What is the real reason why you need to stay motivated? A quick way to discover your “why” is to to keep asking yourself “Why am I doing this?” At first, the answers may seem obvious and surface level. However, each time you repeat this question to yourself, you’ll drill down to the root reason why you’re doing this work to begin with. For example, consider these subsequent answers to the following question: “Why do I need to write this blog post?”
Answer 1: I should be building contentAnswer 2: So people will find my posts helpfulAnswer 3: I want to help people feel less aloneAnswer 4: I want to share my lessons so others won’t have to go through the same pain I did
Repeat the same question to yourself to distill it down to the essence of your motivation. Once you define it, you’ll instantly gain perspective on the bigger picture and feel a stronger emotional pull to stay on track.
5. Collect little wins
Perhaps you’re feeling unmotivated because of a series of perceived “failures” or challenges. You’re feeling like you’re climbing an uphill battle, and you either want to quit or not even begin. But before you jump the gun and give up, remember that success is a series of little steps. Start with bite-sized pieces of tasks that are easy to check off your to-do list. A series of little quick wins will jump-start your motivation. Before you know it, you’ll be unstoppable!
Tried all the above and still feeling unmotivated? Maybe you need to find out what’s holding you back.
The post What to Do When You’re Feeling Unmotivated appeared first on Re:Boot Experiences.